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Stress has become our face's constant companion and is unfortunately one of the major causes of premature ageing.

We all experience stress from time to time, but when stress occurs frequently and is left uncontrolled it can cause both health concerns and a hazard to your appearance.

To manage stress, you need to understand how body reacts to tension?

Stress is a natural response to emotional or physical threats. This can be from work, a daily routine or family life. When we are tense, our adrenal glands release "stress response" hormones and increases levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that can effect oil production in the skin and creates higher levels of visceral fat (abdominal fat). Increased oil production can lead to skin problems and acne.

Stress also makes the body more susceptible to infection and causes the skin to repair itself more slowly by time.

How Harmful Stress Is?

Once this stress response has been activated, the body responds by an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, muscular stress, and the blood flowing away from the digestive functions toward the muscles.

Your digestive system shuts down. Food will pass undigested into the small intestines, your immune system is disturbed.

Pale complexion: Blood flow is disturbed during stress period which results in sending the majority of blood to vital organs like the brain, heart, and lungs and therefore, away from the skin.

Headaches: Clenched muscles in the neck, face, and scalp can lead to tension headaches. Also known as muscle-contraction headaches these range from mild to severe pain.

How you can deal with Stress?

Find a quite place and go there, frequently if needed.

Deep breathing activates what's known as a parasympathetic response: it increases digestion, slows the heart rate and relaxes muscles.

Allow plenty of time for sleep, and practice good "sleep hygiene." That means sleeping in a comfortable place, no caffeine or alcohol before bed and getting up at a regular time each morning (regardless of how well you slept the night before).

Get some regular exercise almost every day for at least 30 minutes. It could be a walk around the block or a work-out at the gym, but get up and move. Don't, however, exercise within 1 - 2 hours of going to bed.

Eat healthy ... remember lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try to avoid lots of fatty foods and sugary foods.

Do something which gives you comfort and relax your mind.

Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. Limit caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

Talk to someone ...... a friend, family member, counselor, or clergy member, even a pet or stuffed animal.

Be with people. The strongest factor that separates those who deal with stress well from those that don't is the presence of a strong social network of friends and family. Being with these people, talking to them, spending time with them, doing for others and letting others help you is the most important thing you can do to get through stressful times.


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