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Bad Breath

Bad breath, medically called "halitosis" can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems. Bad breath develops from the bacteria that are present in our mouth. These bacteria contact with the food we eat and release a foul odor.

Basically, all the food you eat begins to be broken down in your mouth. As foods are digested and absorbed into your bloodstream, they are eventually carried to your lungs and given off in your breath. If you eat foods with strong odors (such as garlic or onions), brushing and flossing -- even mouthwash -- merely covers up the odor temporarily. The odor will not go away completely until the foods have passed through your body.


If you don't brush and floss your teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth, which promotes bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue. This causes bad breath.

Dry mouth also causes bad breath. When you have dry mouth, especially in the morning, dead cells accumulate in the mouth and decompose causing foul odor.

When our mouth is dry, saliva production decreases, leaving the mouth’s natural ability to clean itself impaired. Saliva is the mouth’s natural mouthwash, which contains properties that reduces bacteria in the mouth.


Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to remove food particle from the mouth.

Brush with baking soda to reduce the acidity in the mouth and make it difficult for the bacteria to grow.

When you are brushing your teeth, also brush your tongue. The tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hairs that can trap bacteria.

Drink sufficient amount of water (6-8 glasses) daily.

Gargle with salt water to reduce bacteria in the mouth.

Quit smoking. Tar and nicotine can build up on the surface of the teeth, tongue and cheeks. It can also dry the mouth and inhibit saliva flow.

Exercise and eat fiber rich foods to prevent constipation.

A few drops of peppermint or tea tree oil can be applied to the tongue or toothbrush to help freshen the breath. In addition to its refreshing nature, their antibacterial properties will kill the bacteria found in the mouth.


  1. thank u so much for this amazing info,

    by the way I make my own mouth washer

    first I boil rose water, then I put green thyme and let them set for 3 hours,sure I put something on the top of the bottle in order not to loose the oils from thyme,

    then I bring a spray bottle washed

    I add the rosewater with thyme,and a teaspoon of baking soda + teaspoon Glycerin

    and I put it in the refregirator, It eally make fresh breath

    sure we can use mint or any thing that smells nice

    sry for my long comment

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