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 Sleep better Look better

Sleep is a major factor influencing your over-all health and skin. If you do not get adequate amount of sleep, you will quickly notice feeling low, tired, irritable and have difficulties with concentrating or just staying awake.

Similarly, but less obviously, your reaction time and coordination will be reduced, and your memory and mathematical abilities will be affected.

You can improve the quality of your sleep by establishing regular sleeping patterns, always going to bed and getting up around the same time everyday.

If you continually suffer from lack of sleep, the results can be severe. It could result into:

  • weakened immune system
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • Stress
  • More chances of Heart Attack and Cancer
  • signs of premature aging of the skin
  • cognitive problems (short-term memory)

Tips for Better Sleep:

Rest Is Great For Your Skin, if you take your full sleep there are less chances of having Dark Circles under your eyes and you look fresh.

Take full 6-8 hours sleep, when you take full sleep your mind works better and is fresh to start your daily works.

Don’t go to bed hungry or full.

Don’t nap. But if you have to, do it before 3 pm and for less than an hour.

Create the right environment. Make sure your room is dark and quiet, and the right temperature which suits you.

Reduce stress. If you’re worried about getting your work done, make a to-do list for the next day to assure yourself you have enough time to accomplish what needs to get done. Once the chores that cause you stress are down on paper, your mind is free to relax and think more pleasant thoughts.

Read a book, or some other calm activity that relaxes you.

Avoid caffeine in the hours before sleep.

Benefits of Sleep:

Important hormone production is regulated during sleep. In children, human growth hormone (HGH) is released during deep sleep. Insufficient sleep can affect hormonal balance in adults as well.

During your sleep skin damage is repaired which is caused by exposure to pollution, harmful cosmetics, chemicals and radiation from the sun.

Another benefit of sleep is that it can slow down the aging process. So if you want to look beautiful and radiant, you have a clear message. Hit the bed right away.


  1. long time away from your blog because of Final exams,hope me good luck :)

    well sleeping ,,how much I miss Sleep loool
    specially in those days

    thx for the great tips

    best regards

  2. Hello Maysa Dear !

    I have missed your presence and your comments in my blog :), Wish you all the best for your exams !

    PS: btw, there are more other posts too click on the Blog Archive link on righ and find out.

    Cheers, .....


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